

“The Expansion” (Part 1)


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As many of you already know, Southside Knockout is expanding and having a Re-Grand Opening May 21st & 22nd.

Throughout this entire expansion I got to thinking…

The whole process is eerily similar to someone looking to lose body fat and start leading a healthy lifestyle. 

Hang in there and let me explain 😉

There’re all sorts ups and downs. The future looks promising one day and the next you can barely see the light at the end of the tunnel through all the dust and rubble. Sometimes you need help in the process and sometimes you want to say screw it and quit.

So I thought I’d try and breakdown these stages for you. Since they are all extremely important, I believe that just simply listing them wouldn’t do them justice. I really wanted to dive into and explain each and every one in hopes of helping you out at whatever stage you may currently be at. 

And because I know we all have an attention span of an 8 year old now a days (yes I include myself) that I would have to lay these stages out over a few emails. So for the next couple days I’ll be releasing more of these stages.

I really hope they help you out!

So here is Part 1 of a little series I am calling “The Expansion” 


lineStage 0 – The Finished Product

{Insert Your Perfect Photo Selfie HERE}

Yes that’s right… the first step is the visualization of the completed product. Everyone who sets out on a fitness journey sees all the incredible results it will bring to their mental and physical physique before they even step foot in the gym or make adjustments in the kitchen. 

There’s nothing wrong with that. 

But lets be honest… it’s not really a stage. If simply day dreaming and hoping would get the job done then we’d all look like Jennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt. But if it weren’t for the wishful thinking we’d never decide to make the change in the first place and advance to stage 1. 

And because we never truly reach perfection and we all have different meanings of the word… there’s never a finished photo. But that’s the whole idea. You must understand that living a healthy and fit lifestyle is just that… a lifestyle. Something you’re just going to do from now on. 

Yes there will be bumps and obstacles along the way. 

But that’s ok! You don’t have to have it completed by “X” date like a homework assignment. The beauty of it is that there is no deadline and you will be forever growing and learning about your body. 

Just as long as you DON’T QUIT! 

If after a bad weekend or even week of not working out and eating correctly derails you and you quit then all will be lost. 

Don’t get so worked up over a couple bad decisions because guess what, you have the rest of you life to make amends!

Get back on track ASAP and don’t let those bad habits continue for longer than a few days.

On to Stage #1…


lineStage 1 – The Complete Demo


Ok you’ve FINALLY decided to put that wishful thinking into action! This is the happy and exciting stage because it’s new, fresh and cool. Very comparable to the 1st couple days of starting a workout program. 

You’re all in on stage 1!

You cannot wait to knock down all those old and nasty walls. You see nothing but the shiny finished product through all the dust and rubble you’ve accumulated over years of abuse and neglect. 

And guess what?!?!

In the 1st week you lose a quick 3-5 pounds! And all JUST from working out!

This is F-ing awesome!

Things are looking great right now and you convince yourself that all you needed to do was start working out and the fat would continue to melt away! 

“YAY!!! I can still eat what I want!”

But then Stage #2 sneaks up on you in weeks 2-3 and “bites” you in the a$$! 

It’s ok though because most of us will still survive Stage 2… Its Stage #3 that we really have to worry about!

I’ll be sharing both of those stages with you very shortly!

Stay tuned 😉





















Screen Shot 2016-04-28 at 4.05.25 PMPS. Make sure to check your emails daily for new releases of “The Expansion” where I breakdown the most common obstacles that will face you on your fat destroying journey

PPS. I want to personally say “Thank You!” for checking out my series “The Expansion” Part 1. Because I like to reward action takers like yourself, I’d like to offer you a chance to come try Southside Knockout at an unbeatable cost!


Keep reading…


At Southside Knockout we take enormous pride in being Chicago’s #1 fat loss facility. For over 8 years we have been transforming clients soft sloppy bellies into beach ready athletic physiques. It’s what keeps our raving clients coming back day after day & year after year.

Just take a look at some of

our most recent transformations…

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Before I offer you this incredible deal I have a few questions for you…


  1. When was the last time you felt confident in the summer sitting poolside with friends and family?
  2. Have you ever told yourself… “I am going to get back in shape starting THIS Monday!” but that day just seems to get pushed back further and further and before you know it its been months since you said it?
  3. Or have you been going to the local big box gym for weeks now, you lost a few pounds in the beginning but now have completely plateaued and are considering quitting all together?


We hear these problems all WAY too often from new clients. Sometimes you just need a little push in the right direction. That is why we are here and what I am about to offer you is just that… A push in the right direction.

And before you know it, working out and being in amazing shape won’t be a chore anymore… You will actually LOVE doing it!

So what’s it going to be?!?!

Don’t put it off any longer… Take advantage of this KNOCKOUT deal TODAY!


And I’ll see you at Southside Knockout tomorrow!


Committed to your health and fitness,



PS. Don’t wait even 1 more day! To get started with us today just simply CLICK HERE