

How Chicago Bear & Heisman Finalist, Jordan Lynch, Uses KO Trained

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I want to thank Chicago Bear, Heisman Trophy Finalist & now CFL Quarterback Jordan Lynch for stopping in for the class and taking some time to answer a few questions… 

Jordan has been training with us for a few weeks now and he shares with you how he uses KO Trained to burn off some of that extra bit of fat.


I will be doing a much more in-depth interview with Jordan Lynch in the next couple days where he will be “tackling” questions like:

1. What his typical day looks like from the time he wakes up to the time he goes to bed

2. What is the number 1 obstacle he has had to overcome and how he overcame it

3. What is the number 1 positive habit he does daily

4. What positive habit he would like to implement in his life that he just hasn’t gotten around to

5. One thing he can share with you that you can apply TODAY to simplify your life and become a healthier/happier version of you

If you want this awesome, in-depth interview sent directly to your email, just simply add your email address below and subscribe to KO Trained inner circle Newsletter!


Now for the really cool part… you can do all the same workouts that Jordan Lynch does!

Keep reading below on how to take KO Trained with you to your next workout…