

Workout of the Week | SouthsideKnockout.com

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You ready for this signature “Ladders” workout?? With a Ladders workout you’ll be asked to climb both up and down the ladder by adding and/or subtracting reps each time through. Great for building lean muscle and stamina. 

Exercises Groups

(Group 1)

Exercise 1: Diamond Pushup, Side to Side Pushup, Jack Pushup = 1 rep

  • That’s right! You have to perform all of those pushups to equal 1 rep

Exercise 2: Sphinx Pushups


(Group 2)

Exercise 1: Clean and Press

  • I used a 50 pound medicine ball but use what you’re comfortable with
  • This is a difficult movement so I attached a detailed video explanation below (See Quick tutorial on how to perform Medicine Ball Clean & Press)

Exercise 2: Skiers (right to left = 1 rep)


(Group 3)

Exercise 1: Pull-ups

Exercise 2: Ring Rows

  • If you do not have rings you can always throw a barbell on two benches to perform this movement. Get creative!)


(Group 4)

Exercise 1: Sandbag Hammer Curls

  • I used a 50 pound Sandbag for this exercise but use what you are comfortable with
  • Most gyms will not have sandbags. You can substitute this with dumbbells instead

Exercise 2: Sandbag Shoulder Flies

  • I used a 50 pound Sandbag for this exercise but use what you are comfortable with
  • Most gyms will not have sandbags. You can substitute this with dumbbells instead


(Group 5)

Exercise 1: Medicine Ball Front Squats

Exercise 2: Body Weight Speed Squats

  • (I forgot to include this in the video so I attached another video below that demonstrates this exercise)


line How to Perform this Ladder Workout

There are 4 total rounds per “Group”. Complete all 4 rounds before moving onto the next “Group”. Do not move onto the next exercise group until all 4 rounds have been completed!

Round 1, Group 1

Exercise 1 rep count (5, 7, 8, 10)

Exercise 2 rep count (20, 15, 10, 5)




Round 1

5 reps of Exercise 1 (Diamond, Side to Side Pushups and Jack Pushup = 1 rep)

Immediately after completing those 5 reps do…

20 reps of Exercise 2 (Sphinx Pushups)

30 sec break


Round 2

7 reps of Exercise 1 (Diamond, Side to Side Pushups and Jack Pushup = 1 rep)

Immediately after completing those 5 reps do…

15 reps of Exercise 2 (Sphinx Pushups)

30 sec break


Round 3

8 reps of Exercise 1 (in this case is Diamond, Side to Side Pushups and Jack Pushup = 1 rep)

Immediately after completing those 5 reps do…

10 reps of Exercise 2 (Sphinx Pushups)

30 sec break


Round 4

10 reps of Exercise 1 (Diamond, Side to Side Pushups and Jack Pushup = 1 rep)

Immediately after completing those 5 reps do…

5 reps of Exercise 2 (Sphinx Pushups)


Do not move onto the next “Group” of exercises until all these rounds have been completed.

Repeat this exact same process for Group 2, Group 3, Group 4 & Group 5


Speed Squats (The exercise I forgot to include in the video…ooppps!)

Quick tutorial on how to perform Medicine Ball Clean & Press


Hope you enjoy your free workout 😉

























PS. I want to personally say “Thank You!” for checking out our free Workout of the Week! Because I like to reward action takers like yourself, I’d like to offer you a chance to come try Southside Knockout at an unbeatable cost!


Keep reading…


At Southside Knockout we take enormous pride in being Chicago’s #1 fat loss facility. For over 8 years we have been transforming clients soft sloppy bellies into beach ready athletic physiques. It’s what keeps our raving clients coming back day after day & year after year.

Just take a look at some of

our most recent transformations…

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Screen Shot 2016-03-09 at 5.26.29 PM

Before I offer you this incredible deal I have a few questions for you…


  1. When was the last time you felt confident in the summer sitting poolside with friends and family?
  2. Have you ever told yourself… “I am going to get back in shape starting THIS Monday!” but that day just seems to get pushed back further and further and before you know it its been months since you said it?
  3. Or have you been going to the local big box gym for weeks now, you lost a few pounds in the beginning but now have completely plateaued are are considering quitting all together?


We hear these problems all WAY too often from new clients. Sometimes you just need a little push in the right direction. That is why we are here and what I am about to offer you is just that… A push in the right direction.

And before you know it, working out and being in amazing shape won’t be a chore anymore… You will actually LOVE doing it!

So what’s it going to be?!?!

Don’t put it off any longer… Take advantage of this KNOCKOUT deal TODAY!


And I’ll see you at Southside Knockout tomorrow!


Committed to your health and fitness,



PS. Don’t wait even 1 more day! To get started with us today just simply CLICK HERE