

How Low Can You Go?

monday mix fitness tip

by Bryan Harney Ellen Harmening

How Low Can You Go? Perfecting the Squat and My Life Time Struggle to Get it Right!

Why are people so damn afraid of getting low on their squats? I’ll tell you why.

You need to progress into it.

I have been in athletics since I was 8. By athletics, I mean wrestling, because to me any other sport was just play time before that. I have been training and working out ever since. When wrestling at MSU in college, GO GREEN!, I still was not performing the proper squat. I was not going past my comfort zone and it was most likely due to the fact that I was adding too much weight too quickly before developing the right technique. Big NO NO!

Believe it or not, I didn’t get the correct form down till after college. I was uncomfortable getting that low and never took the time to progress with lighter or even body weight squats. Being a young jock, I was always trying to add weight and never considered taking it slowly.

Another reason why I wasn’t performing the low squat was because I was always going in and out of knee surgeries since sophomore year of high school (total of 7). This prevented me from ever really being comfortable in the squat position. Since then I have performed 1000’s (no joke and probably much more) of BODY WEIGHT squats. I have never been able to get as low as I do now. I am feeling the squat in more muscle groups then ever before.

So I challenge you to start of slowly. That doesn’t mean take 4 weeks to get low. That means, every time you squat, push your self a little more to get lower. Within about 1-2 months you’ll feel perfectly ok with going butt to heals on your squat.

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Talk soon

-Bryan & Ellen

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